Gemini AI: Google’s new AI Project.

Google is reportedly working on its new AI project called Gemini AI to compete with similar ones like ChatGPT. It is said to be more potent in data processing and calculations compared to GPT-4 and the upcoming GPT-5.

What is Gemini AI?

Back in 2010, a company called DeepMind Technologies Limited currently working as Google DeepMind, was founded in the UK. It was acquired by Google in 2014 for around $500 million. It made headlines in 2016 after its program AlphaGo defeated a professional human Go player.Now Google is working on combining AlphaGo program with LLM capabilities like ChatGPT.

How Gemini will work?

It will be powered by advanced machine learning algorithms that allows it to understand natural language and respond to user queries conversational mammner and in real time. The data for training Gemini will come from all the videos stored on YouTube, Google  and all other platforms shared by Google.

Once Gemini is complete, it will compete with ChatGPT. Google has pioneered many techs which are groundbreaking for evolution of AI. However, Google has confirmed that such programs will be executed carefully.

According to IT Home, Google’s Gemini AI combines GPT-4-like text generation but its more than that. Reports claim that the system will be able able to create images out of texts. Thus, the AI ​​tool can manifest “chat dialogues”, “analyze chart data”, “create images “, and even control software with natural language commands.





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